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  Obesity is a condition characterized by excess body weight. Basically, it's the accumulation of fat on the body due to several reasons...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Sacred Lotus Plant

The Lotus or Nelumbo nucifera is commonly misconceived as a Water Lilly. While the Lotus is an aquatic perennial like the Water Lilly it is much different. The Leaves and flowers of the Lotus plant extend above the water surface where the Water Lilly floats on the water surface. The Lotus is native to Southern Asia and is India's national flower. To Buddhists it has come to symbolise spiritual enlightenment, as its perfect, beautiful flowers rise from the dirty, smelly mud at the bottom of the lake in which it grows. Purity rising out of filth...

Lotus are easily grown in a large water bowl in a backyard or even balcony. They need to be planted at a depth of at least 40cm and require full sun to thrive. The only care they need is fertilising once a year in late winter/ early spring. Fertilising is best done by making a "parcel" of high potassium fertiliser wrapped in old newspaper and by pushing this parcel deep down into the Root zone of the plant. In Winter when the plant has died down you can cut the old leaves off, but always ensure you cut them off above the surface of the water to avoid water filling the hollow stems and drowning the plant.

Lotus don't just look great in the garden, they also look fantastic in floral arrangements. While fresh Lotus flowers are sometimes available, it is the seed pod that is most commonly used in florists. This is because the individual flowers are not long lived, sometimes only lasting one day. The seed pods however last much longer and they're organic and sculptural appearance adds texture and interest to flower bouquets and flower arrangements. A bunch of the Seed pods casually arranged in a tall glass vase look exquisite!

Almost all parts of the Lotus are edible and used in Asian cooking including the flower, seeds, leaves and roots. The flower is used in Salads, Seeds are grinded up and made into flour, Leaves are used to wrap and steam food such as Rice and the roots are chopped and fried and served in a similar way to Potato chips.

Lotus seeds are available in kamal gatta. These are used in ayurvedic medicines to increase sperm count.  Read Ayurveda health benefits of Lotus Seeds or Kamal Gatta

By Steven P Johnston 

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is probably the one spice I wouldn't want to do without, I use it in every savoury dish I cook and I can tell when someone has omitted it, even if I am eating an otherwise spicy curry. There have been some scares over the possible health risks of eating too much black pepper, but you would never be able to eat it in the quantities that can harm you.

Black pepper has always been known as a carminative, which means that it helps get rid of flatulence and intestinal gas. It is also a diuretic, and diaphoretic. The former term means that it helps remove excess water from the body and the latter means that it promotes sweating, which is useful if you have a fever. It can also boost the immune system as it has powerful antioxidant effects. If you buy whole peppercorns and grind them yourself, the outer layer will help keep you in weight loss and slim by breaking down fat cells. What more could you want from one very small spice?

Black pepper also provides us with minerals that our bodies need, such as manganese, copper, iron, chromium and calcium. It is rich in vitamin K which is found in green vegetables such as kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

You can add ground black pepper to herbal teas to increase its warming effects. I particularly like it with lemon juice in green tea.

In Ayurvedic medicine, practised on the Indian sub-continent, black pepper is used along with long pepper and ginger, as a remedy for a number of diseases. Alone, it is used as a remedy for cholera, colic, headache, toothache, and urinary problems. It has been applied as a paste, externally, for skin diseases.

In China it is thought to have 'warming' qualities and is used to treat what is called "cold stomach," the symptoms of which include diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

With all these health benefits it is no wonder that in the ancient world black pepper was highly- prized and even used as currency and offerings to the gods. It was the search for pepper (and other spices) that led to the discovery of new lands in the Renaissance and earlier. It was a much-sought after commodity and in the Middle Ages, a man's wealth was measured in how many peppercorns he had. Of course, it was very useful when it came to preserving meat during that time, as was salt, but the peasants couldn't afford to use peppercorns for this purpose.

Next time you look at your spice rack, think about all the health benefits there are in those small jars and only buy peppercorns and grind them yourself as you need them for maximum health benefits.

Also Read Ayurveda Health Benefits of long Pepper or Pippali

By Lynne Evans 

Ayurvedic Acne and Pimple Home Remedies

Acne is perhaps the most dreaded health problem when one is an adolescent. Due to hormonal changes related with puberty and subsequent blood impurities, yellow pus-filled growths appear on the face, which are known as pimples. When this happens, it is said that the person is suffering from acne.

Almost everyone will have pimples at one time or other in their lives. Normally, pimples go away in a couple of days, but if the person does not take enough care, then they could live a lifelong scar behind. Also, pimples can spread on the face quite fast, especially if they burst and their fluids come in contact with healthy skin. Though we know of acne as mostly occurring on the face, it also occurs on the chest, neck and back.

Youngsters put in a lot of effort and money in using medicines for acne available in the market, but with disappointing results. But there are several natural methods in which acne can be prevented. The following is a list of the best methods known to fight acne.

Acne Pimple Ayurvedic Treatment with Simple Home Remedies

Remedy # 1

Wash your face with buttermilk several times a day. This will treat the pimples and also make your face shinier and healthier.

Remedy # 2

Take a single seed of a jambula fruit (Indian Plum). Put it in water and rub it thoroughly so that it moistens completely. When the seed is sufficiently wet, then rub it thoroughly on the areas where pimples are present. This remedy is especially beneficial for the pimples that occur in adolescence.

Remedy # 3

Just rub the peel of an orange onto the pimples so that its juices moisten them completely. Even this simple procedure done several times a day will reduce and even eliminate the acne.

Remedy # 4

Take a ripe pumpkin. Mash it thoroughly and then rub it over the face for a long time. Keep it on the face for fifteen to twenty minutes. You will feel the skin drying up and stretching. This is when you must wash the face and then wipe it dry. Then apply the oil of either coconut or mustard onto the face. Do this for a week on a daily basis. Your acne problem will be solved and the skin of the face will become smooth.

Remedy # 5

Mix ten grams of the powder of chana (Cicer arietinum, chana) and ten grams of haldi (Curcuma longa, turmeric) in curds. Apply this paste onto the skin. Wash it off when it dries. Continue this treatment for a week. The acne will clear out.

Remedy # 6

Prepare a paste by dissolving the powders of lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), coriander and vacha (Acorus calamus, Sweet Flag) in water. Apply this on the face on a regular basis. It will treat acne and the skin will look as though it had never been afflicted with pimples.

Remedy # 7

Roast some mustard seeds, chiraunji (Buchanania latifolia) and a dry orange peel in equal parts. Grind them to a very thin powder. Put a little water to give it a pasty consistency. Apply this paste on the face once everyday. It will solve your acne problem.

Remedy # 8

Take some nutmeg and the water of red sandalwood. Break the nutmeg and mash it in the water of the red sandalwood. Applying this water on the face will take care of all the pimples and keep the skin lustrous and soft.

Remedy # 9

Take the root of a neem tree and put it in water. Squeeze on the neem root repeatedly in the water with your fingers. When it is sufficiently wet and you feel the juices have begun to exude from it, take the neem root out and rub it on the pimples as though it is a piece of chalk. This is one of the quickest remedies to get relief from pimples.

Remedy # 10

One more very simple but effective remedy is to prepare an infusion of the leaves of the tulsi (Ocimum sanctum, Holy Basil) and apply it regularly on the face. The infusion is prepared by taking two to four teaspoons of dried basil leaves in a cupful of water, bring it to a boil and then cool it for use.

Remedy # 11

Take a cup of boiled water and add into it turmeric powder and the leaves of tulsi. Let the fumes of this solution come in contact with your face, as though you are having a steam bath. When done, wash the face immediately. This treatment will open up your sweat pores. But washing it immediately, you are removing the grime and the dust which causes acne. Hence this remedy is more of prevention than a cure.

Treatment with Special Ayurvedic Methods

Ayurveda suggests the use of the Kumkumadi lepam to be applied on the face. Before applying this paste, the face must be washed thoroughly. Another internal remedy is to take Saribadyasava in dosages of 15 to 30 milliliters with an equal quantity of water.

By Dr John Anne

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Effective Herbal Remedies for Irregular Menstruation, Menstrual Cycle

Irregular menstruation can rise from a number of causes. Normally, the menstrual cycle of a woman occurs within an interval of 25-31 days. The period can be extended or shortened occasionally due to minor hormonal imbalances. In case of frequent irregularity in the cycle, like missing periods for months (other than pregnancy), periods occurring within very short intervals or extending for more than a week and heavy bleeding, one should seek proper medical consultation. It is commonly observed in women approaching menopause, and the condition is attributed to severe hormonal fluctuations of the body. Other physiological disorders may also result in irregular menstrual cycles.


1. Frequent alterations in the time period of menstruation.
2. Missing periods for months.
3. Heavy bleeding continuing for more than a week.


1. Hormonal imbalances in the body.
2. Cysts or tumors in the ovary
3. Approaching menopause
4. Over exercise
5. Taking contraceptive pills or hormonal tablets.

Herbal Remedies for Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Herbs are very useful in treating irregular menstrual cycles. One can regularize the cycle by following the simple and effective herbal remedies.

1. The herb Parsley is very effective in treating irregular menstrual cycles. Consuming a mixture of juices from parsley, carrot, beet and cucumber helps in normalizing the menses.

2. Tea made from fresh or dried Parsley leaves is equally beneficial in treating irregular menstrual cycles. Add 2 teaspoonfuls of parsley leaves in boiled water and keep it for half an hour. Strain the mixture and it is ready for drinking.

3. Asafetida is another popular herbal ingredient used to treat this disorder. A small amount of asafetida is fried in ghee and taken along with goat milk adding little honey. This is a very effective remedy to treat irregular periods.

4. Extract from the bark of Ashoka tree is very effective in controlling the menses. It stimulates the uterine walls and helps in normalizing the menstrual cycle.

5. Leaves of bamboo are often prescribed to regularize the menstruation flow.

6. The Chinese herb "Dong Quai", popularly known as "female ginseng" is very effective in regularizing the menstrual flow. The herb is also beneficial in treating various symptoms of menopause.

7. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is another effective herbal remedy for irregular menstrual cycles. It controls heavy bleeding and regularizes the missed periods.

8. Drinking a decoction of ginger adding little honey is also beneficial in normalizing cycles.

9. Decoction of chicory seeds is very effective in normalizing menstrual flow in case of missed periods.

By James E Napier

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dandruff Home Remedies

Fun's fun and being flaky can give your character some definition or uniqueness, but dandruff's just not cool. I don't like it and it's just awkward to be dusting some snow on a first date's meal. Dandruff home remedies can be found everywhere, with dandruff care shampoos being sold up the wazoo.

I once heard someone call it scurf and that doesn't sound really appealing either. Actually, it's pretty normal to have some flakes - I mean, dandruff is basically dead skin and we've got a lot of dead skin coming off every day. Too much though, can be a problem.

Dandruff doesn't really cause any health concerns, though it could be the sign of something else, but nothing too nasty. It could cause some awkwardness on a first day though and it's definitely awkward if there's soup involved. "Ooh, are those flakes cracker bits?" Not a good question. It's also a sign of head lice, another connotation no one really wants.

There are a lot of causes for dandruff, ranging from just the wrong shampoo or even to dandruff care treatments, but people are more concerned with how to treat it - which is why dandruff home remedies are so common.

Lime's a good and naturals solution to your own personal Christmas generator. I like to use a teaspoon of the stuff when I rinse it off. It usually turns out great - it doubles as both dandruff care and leaves my hair looking fabulous. Aloe vera is another natural way of treating your snow woes - rub some on to your scalp. Not your hair, but straight to your scalp. Leave it on for at least 10 minutes then use a really mild shampoo. Olive oil can also beat dandruff into submission.

Warm coconut oil and castor oil also works wonders - twice a week is fine, everyday might be too much. Also smells great - well, the coconut oil, not the castor oil, though if that's your thing there's really nothing wrong with that. Even vegetables have gotten into the act. Boiling them, tops and roots, and massaging the water that you boiled them in into your hair. If you're going to use this method, be sure to use white beets. I've read and found that they work best.

Lathering your hair twice is another way of cleaning out the scalp. It's thorough and can clean out the oil and dead skin. Treat the second lather as a conditioner - leave it on. Five minutes is best as it'll give the shampoo time to get its groove on.

Using more than one method isn't exactly suggested - overdoing the job might lead to more skin trouble than you're really willing to deal with. Also consider if it's a consistent condition or just one of those days - a random bad hair day probably isn't worth all the effort.

Don't over complicate it - if switching shampoos does the trick, then just switch shampoos. It's just cheap that way. Dandruff home remedies work if they're the right one for you. If a dandruff care method doesn't work for you - try it another one. With so many options around, one's bound to work for you.

Also Read Neem the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Dandruff

Jayna Davis 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Mustard for Health - Speed Up Your Metabolism and Improve Digestion

Mustard is known to be very helpful for digestion, and can help to speed up your metabolism.

Mustard produces such a tiny seed yet it yields many health benefits. Mustard is one of the most popular spices in the entire world and is used in every country as a favorite spice. Part of the cabbage family, mustard can be used in its whole seed form, as a ground powder or combined with wine, vinegar or some other liquid to create a loose paste.

There are three varieties of mustard: black, brown and white. The mustard plant grows to be quite tall and has a bright yellow flower.

It was imported to US through Spanish missionaries and seen as a cure-all. Its sharp and bitter taste, especially mixes into paste with vinegars, gave off a medicinal fume long before its health benefits were discovered.

Better than a Vitamin

Mustard seeds are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids as well as calcium, dietary fiber, iron, manganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, protein, selenium and zinc. Selenium is a nutrient that has been shown to help reduce asthma, arthritis and certain cancers. Magnesium also reduces asthma and lowers blood pressure. The effects of mustard are currently being studied for menopausal women and on migraine attacks.

Other Healthy Benefits

Just a few of mustard's possible healthy benefits include:

Speeds up metabolism

Stimulates digestion, increasing saliva as much as eight times more than normal

Inhibits cancer cell growth and possibly prevents other types of cancer as well

Treatment of skin diseases through the application of sulfur found in mustard

Reduces in the severity of asthma

Decreases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Lowering of high blood pressure

Prevention of migraines

Facilitation of gastric juices which aids digestive problems and gives digestive aid

Soothing of sore throats, bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia

Disinfectant qualities it provides

Additionally it has four powerful qualities: it is antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Add Mustard to Your Diet

Mustard is for more than just hot dogs at the ballpark. Whether in ground powder form, seed form or out of the bottle, there are multiple ways to include mustard into your diet to reap its benefits. And since its pungent, tangy taste enhances food so uniquely, it can easily replace fattier condiment options such as mayonnaise, butters and sugary catsups.

Mustard is often used in Indian, French, German and Irish foods. But there are many more options as well.

Include powdered mustards in salad dressings, egg dishes, pickles, marinades and vinaigrettes.

Sprinkle whole mustard seeds on salads, over vegetables and rice and on roasting meats. Try roasting them first in a dry skillet for a nuttier taste.

Mustard paste is useful. Bottled mustard can be rubbed on meats before roasting. Try dipping cut vegetables in a mustard sauce for a unique, flavorful dip. Mustard paste can easily be added to mayonnaises, vinaigrettes, marinades and barbeque sauces.

Mustard is so versatile; you will find many exciting and new ways to use this old standby.

Also Read Mustard can Kill Sperms

By Diana Walker 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Dry Fruits & Dried Fruits - What's the Difference?

Hardly anybody knows that there is a vast difference between dry fruits and dried fruits. Generally when we say dry fruits we consider the dried one also but it is not so. There is a thin line of difference between the two.

Difference between dry fruits & dried fruits:

Dry fruits are basically natural and are of hard texture. Dry fruits are again divided into dehiscent - that whose seeds are contained in a seapod and indehiscent- those which are not in seedpod e.G cashewnuts, almonds, walnut, pista etc.

Dried fruits on the other hand are natural fleshy fruits which are dried either naturally or through machines such as food dehydrator e.G raisins, figs, cherries, apricots etc.

Benefits of Dry Fruits

both the dry fruits and dried fruits are essential for good health. They help in improving mental and physical development of human body. They contain high nutritional and nourishing qualities. It also helps in:

- creation of new blood cells
- strengthening the muscles
- enhancing freshness on face
- preventing anemia
- reproduction and the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates
- recommended in case of chronic constipation problems
- cases of debility and wasting diseases
- reducing young age problems of pimple, acne, dry skin and above all delays wrinkles

Examples of dry fruits and dried fruits:

Dry fruits:

cashew nuts: 

the botanical name for cashew is 'anacardium occidentale' and is also known as the the 'nature vitamin pill'. It contains relatively high fat content which counts to 12 grams per ounce and 2 grams saturated fat. This fat content is considered good in medical terms. Its fat ratio is available in 1:2:1 for saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated. Besides, it also has phytosterols, tocopherols, and sqaulene which are considered good for health and lowering the risk of heart diseases. Cashew nuts have zero percent cholesterol content. It contians 82.5 milligrams of magnessium and antioxidants high in cropper contents which helps in developing bone and connective tissue.


the botanical name for almonds is prunus dulcis. Almonds are not truly nuts but drupe grown in deciduous trees. Almonds are of two kinds sweet and bitter. Almond which come out of white flowers are sweet and the ones out in pink flower are bitter. It is a rich source of vitamin e, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It contains 26% of carbohydrates, and 24 mg of vitamin e, rich in monounsaturated fat which is considered 'good' fat. It helps in improving memory and gives strength and improves eyesight.


the botanical name of pista is pistacia vera. It is known as pistachio and is said to be a great source of vitamins. Pista contains phytosterols which compete with the cholesterol in the intestinal lumen and helps in reducing the cholesterol levels and keeping heart healthy. It is said to be an excellent source of copper, manganese and vitamin b6, as well as a good source of a variety of other b vitamins. It contains fiber and hence beneficial for gastrointestinal health. It is wise to take unsalted pista than the salted one as salted tends to shoot the blood pressure level.

Dried fruits:

raisins: does any one know what actually raisins are? Well, raisins are the dried grapes. Eat as you want, raw or cooked, just garnish the way you like them. Raisins come from a french word 'rasin' which means 'grapes'. The sugar percentage in raisins ranges from 67% to 72%. It helps in cleaning the blood and helps in the free flow of the blood. Raisins also help to get rid of uncleaned blood. It also acts as an antioxidants making you healthier. The minerals present in raisins mixes with estrogen and thus make the bone stronger.

Figs: the botanical name for figs are ficus carica. Figs can be eaten both fresh and dry. These plants have the highest source of calcium and fiber. The dry figs are rich in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin k. It is really good for those suffering from constipation as it has a laxative effect and contain antioxidants.


date palm commonly known as the phoenix dactylifera. These are sweet edible fruits. It is one of the most beneficial food product both in terms of a medicine and tonic. It can be easily digested and hence it useful for supplying energy and repairing waste. The presence of nicotinic content helps in intestinal disturbances. It is also an excellent remedy for intoxicating alcoholism.

I hope this small description on dry fruits and dried fruits has given you the basic idea about the difference. Whatever be the difference whether it is dates, figs or cashew nuts, it is beneficial for health and thus is important.

Read - Best Dry Fruits to Increase Sperm Count Fertility

By Naresh R

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Three Tips For The Ageing Taste Buds

As we age, our ability to smell and taste diminishes. Most taste loss is secondary to smell loss, but people notice the taste loss more and think of it as "taste loss" even though the underlying cause may be smell loss. Testing can often help determine whether smell or taste loss is the primary diagnosis.

Taste can begin to decline as early as age 30 and is progressive - it increases with the passing years. Most people over 50 report that food tastes a bit "flatter" or that flavour is "more blunted" than it was in their youth. This tends to cause the overuse of sugar and sweet as people try to compensate for their inability to taste as well. Too much salt and sugar can be very harmful to those with hypertension or diabetes so it is something that should be carefully monitored.

Sometimes the cause of our age related taste loss is the accumulation of years of taste bud damage from excess use of very hot, spicy foods. If you are very fond of these spices you may be damaging your taste buds. The need for ever-increasing "heat" is not a sign that you are getting used to hot peppers, it's a sign you have damaged your taste buds.

Fortunately, if you are younger than 50, your taste buds will regenerate fairly quickly, so damage can be quickly repaired if you stop using these hot spices. However, over the age of 50 taste buds do not regrow nearly as quickly so extra care should be taken to avoid damage.

In fact, about half of those between the ages of 65 and 80 will suffer from this problem though many are unaware of it. By the time we are over 80, three-quarters of us will have problems with our smell and taste.

I know from personal experience with my mom, just how many problems this can cause. For some time now, she has been complaining that food no longer has any taste and that she can't smell things as well. Now at 85, we find she is using sour milk and completely unaware of it. She eats less and less and seems to have very little appetite at all.

I embarked on a journey to learn all that I could to help her. I've learned that there are changes in the body that underlie taste loss and that it nearly always begins with smell loss. This is because true taste loss is much less common than smell loss and though few people know it, smell is an integral part of the taste experience.

As our body ages there are structural changes that occur in the skull that lead to a pinching of the olfactory (smell) nerve. Once this nerve gets pinched the messages can no longer get passed along to the brain and our brain tells us that it doesn't smell anything.

Additionally, blood flow to the brain decreases as we age and this causes the brain to work less well. Exercise is an important way to help increase blood flow, but unfortunately many older people do not get enough of it. Experts believe that exercise does help those with smell and taste loss, so if it all possible it should be incorporated into a daily routine. It doesn't have to be a lot either - just 10 minutes a day - before each meal can make a significant difference!

Finally, a third factor in the age related loss of taste and smell is an increase in the thickness of the nasal mucous which blocks the uptake of odor molecules. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to thin out the nasal mucous. Proper hydration is also known to improve smell and taste loss. When I worked with older patients who hated the taste of water, I recommended they try the many flavoured waters that are on the market today. This is a great tip for anyone that isn't fond of plain water.

Avoiding extremely spicy foods, getting some exercise, and drinking plenty of fluids are three simple ways to improve the sense of smell and taste.

Read Concept of 6 tastes or rasa in Ayurveda

By Kerry Hook

The Benefits of Giving Your Child a Daily Routine

Why does a child need and benefit from a daily routine?

By having a daily routine running in your household your child will have a structure that will help them to focus and discipline their lives.

If they do not have a daily routine they will not be able to prepare themselves for the next task ahead of them. Instead they will feel uneasy and insecure as to how their day will unfold, not knowing what to expect. Once they get into a habit of following a daily routine they will develop eating and sleeping patterns that will help their body to create cycles that will enable them to function well. If they have different eating and sleeping times each day, their bodies will be disturbed and this can cause the child to be moody and tired. It is very important for a child to have fixed meal and bed times. They need food when they are hungry and sleep when they are tired. If there is no consistency in a child's daily life they will find it difficult to settle and relax. By following a routine and being consistent it will help them to follow a set of rules and be able to understand what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. They will understand there are boundaries to which they must adhere. This will help avoid difficult behaviour and tantrums.

Having a daily routine for your child also allows you to have time for yourself, knowing when you will be able to do your thing and this will help you to plan your day and feel relaxed and calm.

I hope you have found this advice beneficial and it helps you to create a daily routine for your child.

Read more about Benefits of Ayurvedic Daily Routine or Dinacharya

By Simon Surfer

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Do Not Leave Out Curd From Your Diet Program

Yogurt or curd, whatever you like to call it is every bit as tasty as it is nutritious. Apart from making you lick your lips, it can also do wonders to your overall health. Here are reasons why you cannot leave curd away from the dining table.

1. Curd has friendly bacteria called lactobacillus acidophilus that is very good for the digestive system. Curd can neutralize toxic substances before they can turn carcinogenic or cancer-causing. Curd helps to fight diarrhea, helps colon health and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

2. The healthy bacteria in curd helps to strengthen the immunity. It increases the power of white blood cells that fights infections.

3. Curd reduces the risk of osteoporosis which affects women. As yogurt is rich in phosphorous, it can be quite helpful in maintaining bone strength.

4. Curd or yogurt is packed with calcium , Vitamin B12, riboflavin and protein. One cup of curd eaten gives you 1/3 of the daily calcium requirement and 10 grams of protein everyday, which is about 20 percent of the daily requirement

5. Yogurt is good for people who want to diet, reduce their weight and get slimmer. It lowers the cholesterol levels in the body helps in weight loss

6. Curd can be easily digested which means it is highly metabolic and does not get stored as fat.

7. Curd is very good to remove the risk of vaginal infections. It removes the yeast colonies from accumulating in the female genitalia.

8. Since yogurt can be easily digested compared to milk, it is even better for people who are lactose intolerant and cannot digest milk.

9. A latest research has shown that curd can be increasingly good for the strength of your gums, root canal and teeth

Also read Health Benefits of Curd and Sugar

By Arunraj V.S.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Top Four Benefits Of Getting A Body Massage

A body massage is a special and comfortable way to have a masseuse work through the whole body. During a session, the client is at liberty to inform the masseuse where he or she thinks requires more attention. It is practised worldwide across all cultures. Most spas or beauty parlours have very unique facilities that offer this service to various clients. Most of these features and facilities are designed to provide peace of mind to an individual. Some of them have the space, furnishings, and furniture such as massage tables to make the stay as comfortable as possible. The type of personnel employed also influence the uniqueness of the spa. Body massages are known to bring about a number of benefits to the human body. These include:

· Improved blood circulation

Through body massage, the blood circulation in the body is improved. This means that oxygen in the blood is well circulated and as a result, various toxins are removed from the body. Without a good flow of oxygen into the body, an individual becomes prone to pain such as headaches and also muscle tension.

· Improve skin tone and skin health

Different oils and creams are usually used during the body massage sessions. For instance the eucalyptus oils and other herbal oils which contain especially the vitamin E supplement. Through these oils, the skin is rejuvenated. This is because the oils aid the skin cells to be revitalised.

· Peace of mind

Another important benefit that body massages give to many people is the peace of mind. Everyone needs peace of mind at some point in their lives. Having peace of mind makes an individual feel good about themselves naturally. Important decisions can be made when you are at peace and in total serenity. Your mind is opened up to a number of things like increased awareness, creativity and development plans.

· Lower stress levels

It is important to reduce stress levels at whatever costs. This is because the health conditions likely to arise as a result of stress are very severe. For instance High blood pressure which is also a very costly condition. Going through body massage sessions will help reduce stress levels and thus is an effective way of managing stress.

It also helps in improving the lifestyle and wellbeing of many people. You should do a lot of research on some of the best places that provide these services to receive this pleasurable experience that is available to all.

By Imma Sila
Also Read Health Benefits of Ksheerabala Oil

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Insulin Plant or Gymnema Sylvestre,(Gudmar or Madhunashini) Sugar Metabolism And Diabetes

Gurmar is a common name of Gymnema sylvestre, meaning 'sugar destroyer'. Studies show that Gymnema sylvestre not only reduces the taste of sweetness, but also reduces sugar absorption from the gut into the body.

Gymnema also appears to stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas. Studies have shown these benefits could help extend life. For example, see: Srivastava Y, et al. Hypoglycemic and Life-prolonging Properties of Gymnema sylvestre Leaf Extract in Diabetic Rats. Isr J Med Sci. Jun1985;21(6):540-42.

Gymnema Sylvestre And Diabetes

Anything which can help the body to produce more of its own insulin is to be welcomed. In studies, Gymnema has been identified as a herb which can certainly assist in the management of diabetes. (Read Best spices for diabetes)

Gymnema has several properties which lends it to helping blood sugar management. It:

- Reduces sugar absorbed from food in the intestines

- Stimulates insulin production

- It appears to build pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin

- Finally, taking Gymnema drops on the tongue dulls the sense of taste for sweet foods.

Some benefits from Gymnema have been reported for Type 1 diabetes, but most research has been done on Type 2 diabetes - the 'maturity onset' type.

For example, in a study lead by K Baskaran in 1990, Gymnema sylvestre was given to 22 patients with Type 2 diabetes for 18 months to supplement their anti-diabetic medication. Most patients showed a distinct reduction of blood sugar levels by several measures. In addition, 5 of the 22 were able to discontinue their conventional drugs altogether! The inference was made that Gymnema appeared to be regenerating or repairing the pancreatic beta cells which produce insulin. Support for this view was drawn from the fact that blood insulin levels rose after Gymnema supplementation.

K, Kizar-Ahamath B, Shanmugasundaram MR, Shanmugasundaram ERB. Antidiabetic effect of leaf extract from Gymnema sylvestre in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1990;30(3):295-300.

Healthnotes, a reliable science based herbal assessment website says of Gymnema sylvestre:

"Gymnema sylvestre has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years.... The hypoglycaemic (blood sugar-lowering) action of gymnema sylvestre leaves was first documented in the late 1920s. This action is attributed to members of a family of substances called gymnemic acids. Gymnema sylvestre leaves raise insulin levels, according to research in healthy volunteers."

Gymnema is a remarkable herb which can be a huge benefit both to those who truly want to cut down their consumption of sweet foods and those with blood sugar issues. Of course, if on medication you should consult your doctor before taking Gymnema: but if you have 'blood sugar lows' and are not on medication, try Gymnema.

The main treatment for low blood sugar involves a change of diet and getting more exercise: but if you do these things, Gymnema drops are a great help to have in your pocket, and Gymnema capsules can, with benefit, be taken 3 times a day for 3-6 months to help you achieve good improvements.


By Max Hill

Health Benefits of Carrots for Cholesterol, Weight Loss and Diabetes

The health benefits of carrots do not only help our eyes but also help in cancer prevention, avoiding heart attacks and they lower your bad cholesterol. We eat carrots not just for the health benefits but also because they taste very good whether they are cooked or raw.

Carrots contain beta-carotene which becomes vitamin A after it is in your body and this helps improve your vision. The vitamin A will form a purple pigment called rhodopsin which is what your eyes need to be able to see in a dim light. If you do not get enough of this vitamin you could end up suffering from night blindness. Carrots also got their color and their name from beta-carotene.

The nutritional benefits of beta-carotene are the fact they are an anti-oxidant that fights the free radicals that can cause cancer, macular degeneration, and heart disease. Beta-carotene sometimes will deter cancers of the stomach, uterus, and cervix. There has been research done recently suggesting people who consume five or more carrots on a weekly basis are less likely to have a stroke than those who do not. Carrots have another anti-oxidant called alpha-carotene and a study showed men with high amounts of this anti-oxidant have a less chance of contracting lung cancer.

If you cook carrots slightly, you pull out the beta-carotene from the fiber which permits our bodies to absorb it easier. If you eat about a half-cup a day you will receive more beta-carotene than the daily recommended dosage. When you buy carrots with the tops still attached they must be removed before storage, if you do not the tops will swallow up all the vitamins. Your body can absorb the nutrients of carrot juice by adding them to a favorite blend of juice.

One carrot will give you all the vitamin A you will need for a day. The sugar that is contained in carrots turns into blood sugar quickly but the amount is very low and that is why diabetics (Read Diabetes home remedies) can still have them. They are the richest source of beta-carotene, which contributes to a lower risk for diabetes. Carrots health benefits is a great protection against cataracts and macular degeneration. Their soluble fiber is quite rich and helps lower levels of cholesterol.

The health benefits of raw carrots are they contain more vitamin C than cooked. The benefits of cooked carrots are the release of more beta-carotene. Either way you eat them will help benefit your body. The raw carrots can be placed in your salad and the cooked on your dinner plate and you will receive the benefits of both.

The high fiber content in carrots is very important if you want to lose weight. Fiber is not digestible and it just passes through with other food affixed to it. It will not stop the digestive system from trying; it simply produces more enzymes to break it down. This helps to speed up you metabolism. They are low in calories and fat, and high in nutrients which also include potassium. Carrot nutrients help the body perform smoothly and therefore burn calories.

Also Read Are Carrots Good For Losing Weight ?

By Barbara Volkov