The Lotus or Nelumbo nucifera is commonly misconceived as a Water Lilly. While the Lotus is an aquatic perennial like the Water Lilly it is much different. The Leaves and flowers of the Lotus plant extend above the water surface where the Water Lilly floats on the water surface. The Lotus is native to Southern Asia and is India's national flower. To Buddhists it has come to symbolise spiritual enlightenment, as its perfect, beautiful flowers rise from the dirty, smelly mud at the bottom of the lake in which it grows. Purity rising out of filth...
Lotus are easily grown in a large water bowl in a backyard or even balcony. They need to be planted at a depth of at least 40cm and require full sun to thrive. The only care they need is fertilising once a year in late winter/ early spring. Fertilising is best done by making a "parcel" of high potassium fertiliser wrapped in old newspaper and by pushing this parcel deep down into the Root zone of the plant. In Winter when the plant has died down you can cut the old leaves off, but always ensure you cut them off above the surface of the water to avoid water filling the hollow stems and drowning the plant.
Lotus don't just look great in the garden, they also look fantastic in floral arrangements. While fresh Lotus flowers are sometimes available, it is the seed pod that is most commonly used in florists. This is because the individual flowers are not long lived, sometimes only lasting one day. The seed pods however last much longer and they're organic and sculptural appearance adds texture and interest to flower bouquets and flower arrangements. A bunch of the Seed pods casually arranged in a tall glass vase look exquisite!
Almost all parts of the Lotus are edible and used in Asian cooking including the flower, seeds, leaves and roots. The flower is used in Salads, Seeds are grinded up and made into flour, Leaves are used to wrap and steam food such as Rice and the roots are chopped and fried and served in a similar way to Potato chips.
Lotus seeds are available in kamal gatta. These are used in ayurvedic medicines to increase sperm count. Read Ayurveda health benefits of Lotus Seeds or Kamal Gatta
By Steven P Johnston