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Friday, May 3, 2019

The Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is probably the one spice I wouldn't want to do without, I use it in every savoury dish I cook and I can tell when someone has omitted it, even if I am eating an otherwise spicy curry. There have been some scares over the possible health risks of eating too much black pepper, but you would never be able to eat it in the quantities that can harm you.

Black pepper has always been known as a carminative, which means that it helps get rid of flatulence and intestinal gas. It is also a diuretic, and diaphoretic. The former term means that it helps remove excess water from the body and the latter means that it promotes sweating, which is useful if you have a fever. It can also boost the immune system as it has powerful antioxidant effects. If you buy whole peppercorns and grind them yourself, the outer layer will help keep you in weight loss and slim by breaking down fat cells. What more could you want from one very small spice?

Black pepper also provides us with minerals that our bodies need, such as manganese, copper, iron, chromium and calcium. It is rich in vitamin K which is found in green vegetables such as kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts.

You can add ground black pepper to herbal teas to increase its warming effects. I particularly like it with lemon juice in green tea.

In Ayurvedic medicine, practised on the Indian sub-continent, black pepper is used along with long pepper and ginger, as a remedy for a number of diseases. Alone, it is used as a remedy for cholera, colic, headache, toothache, and urinary problems. It has been applied as a paste, externally, for skin diseases.

In China it is thought to have 'warming' qualities and is used to treat what is called "cold stomach," the symptoms of which include diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

With all these health benefits it is no wonder that in the ancient world black pepper was highly- prized and even used as currency and offerings to the gods. It was the search for pepper (and other spices) that led to the discovery of new lands in the Renaissance and earlier. It was a much-sought after commodity and in the Middle Ages, a man's wealth was measured in how many peppercorns he had. Of course, it was very useful when it came to preserving meat during that time, as was salt, but the peasants couldn't afford to use peppercorns for this purpose.

Next time you look at your spice rack, think about all the health benefits there are in those small jars and only buy peppercorns and grind them yourself as you need them for maximum health benefits.

Also Read Ayurveda Health Benefits of long Pepper or Pippali

By Lynne Evans 

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