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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Stress Management Tips - Managing Stress by Cultivating Good Habits

Vicki Baum, an Austrian-USA novelist once stated, "You don't get ulcers from what you eat. You get them from what's eating you." Stress is a part of life. There is no way around it, over it or under it. Feelings of stress can be a motivating force. If we are under pressure from a particular problem, situation or event, we will focus our attention in that direction to come up with solutions to relieve the stress and return to a sense of balance and equilibrium. However, stressful situations often come at us from many different directions. We have a limited reserve of physical and psychological energy to cope with so many stressors. Without an arsenal at our to disposal for managing stress, stress overload can lead to various physical and psychological problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety, ulcers and depression. In order to fill your stress relief arsenal, you need to not only be knowledgeable regarding stress management tips, but cultivate good habits to help minimize stress as well.

Physical Relaxation Techniques and Imagery: 

Stress Management Tips that Can Help You Deal with Stress

Managing stress is possible by using physical relaxation and imagery. By using imagery, you mentally detach yourself from a stressful situation and place your thoughts into an environment that you find relaxing and calming. You can focus on a beach with waves lapping against the shore, a quiet mountain cabin with warm breezes gently rustling wild flowers, or swimming with tropical fish off a coral reef. This is a habit that you need to cultivate if it is to work effectively. Your ability to bring your mind inward and focus on your serene environment will be the determining factor on how well imagery will work on managing stress.

Other stress management tips are physical relaxation techniques. Two of these are deep breathing and progressive muscular relaxation. When you are under stress your muscles have a tendency to tighten which is not conducive to managing stress and thinking clearly. You have probably heard that it is helpful to take deep cleansing breaths when you are stressed or angry. This is one of several stress management tips that is quite easy to master if you remember to use it during stressful situations. You simply cultivate the habit of relaxing your body with each deep breath you take.

Progressive muscular relaxation or PMR is another stress management tips that aids in relieving muscle tension that accompanies stress. Basically, you tighten certain muscle groups as much as possible. Then you consciously relax these muscle groups. The theory is that you would be better able to relax your muscles after tensing them then would be possible by relaxing them directly. PMR is most effective in relieving and managing stress when practiced in conjunction with deep breathing.

Time Management: 

Stress Management Tips that Keep You Focused on Important Tasks, Eliminate Over Commitment and Procrastination

Much stress could be avoided by managing time wisely. A useful stress management tips would be to keep a daily planner. This would insure that you do not over extend yourself or overlap projects. Procrastination is also a time waster and should be avoided to minimize stress. Another useful time management tool and stress management tips is keeping a diary. By keeping track of your daily routine, you can determine areas where you may be wasting time and causing yourself additional stress.

Other Useful Stress Management Tips to Minimize and Deal With Stress

Stress Management Tips such as listening to soothing music, practicing yoga, self-hypnosis, meditation and surrounding yourself with strong support systems, such as family, co-workers and pets, have been shown to be helpful in relieving unrelenting stress. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life there is going to be stress. Our ability to deal with stress can be a determining factor between having good health or being plagued with stress induced physical and psychological problems. Ten stress management tips have been reviewed to help you deal with stress. For them to work effectively, you must take time to practice certain techniques to find the ones that are best suited for your unique personality. To battle everyday stressors, you must cultivate good stress reducing habits and this takes practice.

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