By the time you finish reading this article, you will be more aware of the many health benefits of lycopene.
So, what exactly is it?
It is a compound found in certain fruits and vegetables. It belongs to the group of substances known as carotenes and is the pigment responsible for giving vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit, their red color.
What are the health benefits?
It has been found to possess many benefits, and also has strong antioxidant properties. Because it is a potent antioxidant, it can be extremely effective in fighting free radicals which can damage cells in the body. This can help to reduce the risk of cancer and strokes.
Indeed, several studies have suggested that a diet high in lycopene may be associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.
The beneficial effect of antioxidants on heart disease has been well documented. In a recent study, it was found that men with a high concentration of lycopene in their body were only 50% as likely to have a heart attack compared to men with lower concentrations.
Research has shown the following other suggested benefits of lycopene:
- Helping to prevent kidney disease and aging problems such as degeneration of the nervous system and cellular damage from the aging process.
- Helping with problems such as diabetes.
- Most recent research has suggested that,like beta-carotene, it may play an important role in keeping vision healthy by preventing cataracts and Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD
- Another small study has suggested that it can help reduce the instances of exercise-induced asthma among some people.
- Another benefit is that it may be able to help keep skin looking fresh and youthful. Skin burned by UV rays, tanning and premature aging can be combated with the antioxidants contained in it which helps to reduce the damage to skin by regenerating new skin cells
Where can I get it?
Lycopene is not produced naturally in the body. It must be obtained through a person's diet. Tomato products, such as tomato juice, ketchup, spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce for example are, by far, the major sources in the typical western diet. In fact, these foods provide over 80 percent of the compound consumed in the U.S. Other fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and pink grapefruit also provide this anti oxidant, but in smaller amounts.
By Donald Cash