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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spreading Genital Herpes

Herpes is a virus that once you have an outbreak it stays in your body whether you have any other outbreaks again. There are two types of herpes simplex HSV-1 and HSV-2 and either of them can cause genial herpes.

HSV-1 is mostly associated with those nasty cold sores and HSV-2 is associated with genital herpes. More women are affected by genital herpes than men. Some people don't even know they have it as they have no symptoms or very mild symptoms but herpes can still be transmitted to a partner.

Genital herpes usually appears as blisters, sores, or mild rashes on the thighs, back of fingers, groin area or genitals. There is no known cure for HSV-1 or HSV-2 but there are daily treatments that can help decrease chances of an outbreak and spreading genital herpes to your partner. This condition is not something to be ashamed of as it can happen to anyone but does need to be understood and treated.

Signs, Symptoms and Common Location of Genital Herpes:

    Before actual outbreak itching, tingling or aching may occur.
    Outbreaks can appear as recurring tiny blisters, painful ulcers, cracks in the skin, chaffing in the genital area, rash in the genital area or redness in the genital area.
    Outbreaks can show up anywhere on the genitals, thighs, groin area, behind knees, backs of fingers, low back, buttocks or even the anus.

Your body uses the first outbreak to develop an immunity to further outbreaks and can appear as the flu and may produce aches, pains, stuffy nose and other flu-like symptoms along with a minor genital outbreak or painful genital ulcers generally lasting no longer than 10 days. These outbreaks can range from very mild to severe and may or may not recur later.

Genital herpes can be transmitted through any sexual act with an infected person where there is any direct skin contact whether there is an outbreak or not. The risk of getting genital herpes is much higher if you perform unprotected sex. The use of condoms and abstaining when you are about to have an outbreak are ways to prevent transferring it to your partner.

You can spread genital herpes anytime but when there is an outbreak or just about to be an outbreak the chances are higher. Daily antiviral therapy has been shown to help keep from passing the virus to your partner. Even though these preventative methods can reduce the spreading of it there is still some risk involved in spreading genital herpes to your partner.

By Kari Banks
Read  Genital Herpes - Transmission and Outbreak

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